
Friday, December 17, 2010

really exhausted for the past month, mentally, emotionally and physically. sometimes i wonder, what is the purpose of me working so hard? what is it that i'm hoping to accomplished? who am i doing it for? working without a specific goal is like walking into a dessert, wondering when will i ever see a green lush of tree with a stream of blue river. sounds emo? i think so too..

ever since i pass the 21 years old mark, people around me kept asking do i have a boyfriend? why do i not have a boyfriend? when will i get one? well, my answer is, as much as i would like to have one, doesn't mean i will GET one. its not as simple as going to the supermarket and get urself a yogurt. come to think of it, if only its that easy, probably i wouldn't feel so tired at such a moment, especially emotionally wise.

but again, i came to realise that love isnt everything, but yet one cannot live completely without love. so contridicting. why cant life ever be simple and straight forward as ABC?

the pain from my wisdom tooth and ulcer is causing my brain to go hay-wire. and then again, its not a bad thing to be emo once in a while. bleh...finish reading it? i think ur brain is hay-wire too reading to this post. ESPECIALLY this post!


memories of life starts here, 11:16 PM.


▪ new room
▪ driving license
▪ study abroad
▪ new laptop
▪ car
▪ the one for me :)