
Monday, July 27, 2009

I'm finally 21 years old!!!

Still trying to digest this fact that i am OFFICIALLY stepping into adulthood.

Well, anyway.. celebrated my 21st birthday on the 25th of July @ my aunt's condo.

got too many people to thanks.

But the most important people that made all this happen so perfectly are my Parents, Sister, my "Nurse" Maribeth and Cousins.

All my relatives, auntie and uncles.

All Appleland Teachers.

Ernest Kor, Uncle Ujin and their girlfriends. It was a really BIG surprise after telling me that you could't come but yet showed up at the very last min.

Yang su and Marcus- thanks for the red wine. :)

Steph- Have yet to see the photo album but i'm very sure i will love it.

Kunloong, Xuian ming and Terrence- Thanks for the "Key". :)

Mei Chan and Alicia- I miss you girls so much, thanks for coming and thanks for the present too. ( Michelle as well)

Clara, Wilson, Zhanyi and Wai Chee- thanks for coming.

Dear Candice and Cheyenn (of course their daddy and mommy too)- thanks for coming. Really appreciate it. :)

All my parent's friend- though i cant really call out all the names, but thanks for coming.

And All my sister's friend (especially Vincent for helping me or her to decorate the place)- thanks for coming and also the present. :)

I'm not sure if i missed out anyone but i really had a great great time!!

thought half the time i dont really recall what is happening around me, and i didnt spend much time talking to alot of people cause there are really too many people. But i really really appreciate it that all of you took your time out to come celebrate for me.

Daddy, Mummy and ah bee:

My precious family who loved and cared for me more than i do for myself. I haven't been a really good girl recently. Making all of you worried and tired over my health. A thousand words cannot describe how much I love all of you. mummy daddy, because of your persistent i had a wonderful and memorable birthday of my life. Thanks for spending so much money and time for making it a wonderful and perfect experience.

Ah bee- though sometimes u really annoy me alot, but i'm blessed to have a sister like you. Love ya.:)

A perfect birthday, with all the people whom i love and care with me. But a little imperfection which can never be mended due to the absence of someone which....(well, better to be left unspoken).

I'm 21.. time for responsibility and independence.

my Wish:

1) Appleland to always prosper.

2) Everyone i love and care about to be healthy (including myself)

3) shh...its a known secret. but say le won't come true. :P

Hopefully, my bad luck will be gone and all my good luck will come!! :D

memories of life starts here, 10:48 PM.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

finally updating after a long long long long long.........time.

yes, i know, i'm seeing spider webs all over again.

reason why i'm blogging again?? no idea, bored i guess. or maybe, its time to start taking note of what's happening to my life again.

at one point, blogging seems like a chore to me. like writing a school report or work report kind of stress. but not anymore i guess, afterall i haven't been blogging for almost a year le. haha.

The MOST recent update.

started my DPP= Dance Performance Programme. it consists of contemporary, jazz, hiphop, ballet, street jazz, etc... its really fun, and i really like contemporary, although it made me ache all over. but its really cool. Jazz too, alright steph, i agree, Derrick's class is interesting and hilarious. haha.. LEVIS , HUGHUG!!! ballet is kinda boring, i guess cause i have learnt it before already.
hiphop......*speechless* no comment on that. now looking forward to street jazz. :)

Just got discharged from the hospital yesterday. admitted on friday night, was sent to the hospital by the ambulance. cause: gastric pain and vomitting till fainted at home. and after doing all the blood test, urine test, and xray and dunno what else. doctor says its due to constipation. well well, knew that i have that kind of problems all along, but didnt know it will become so serious.

Spend the 1st night in the A&E ward, really horrible, the pain. and because there's only 1 doc and 1 nurse (i was sent in around midnight), i have to wait for 45 mins just to get the blanket which i vomitted on to be changed. was really freezing inside. SGH should really do something about the room temperature there man. even when i was transfered up to the patient's ward, the room is still freaking COLD!! was freezing through the night. especially my hand that was on drip. painful, swollen and icy. went in with just gastric and vomitting, came back with flu and cough. but the nurses at the patient's ward are REALLY REALLY NICE!! nowadays hospital's service are really like in a hotel. you can order your breakfast, lunch and dinner from the menu and the food are delicious. there's TV with HBO and other channels (not the normal Channel 8 and stuff) nurses are very helpful, gentle and friendly, facilities are clean. what else can i grumble about other than temperature too cold, really nothing to do there and they on the lights too early in the morning (they on at 6am). *fainted*

but i'm alright already!! have to really take note of my health from now on le..
thanks Yang su and Kor for visiting me. :) and all who showed their concern. sorry for scaring all of you. haha..

Next thing, looking forward to my 21st birthday..

till then...this blog won't be updated.. :)

memories of life starts here, 9:50 PM.


▪ new room
▪ driving license
▪ study abroad
▪ new laptop
▪ car
▪ the one for me :)