
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

time for me to start blogging again..really starting to love and hate my singing lessons..hard to explain..
well..my pimples are pooping out again..damn troubled..tried all means but just can't get rid of it..hElp!!!!!!!
doing my practicum like a madwoman..other than clocking in hours..i still have to set up learning centres and make materials..i'm doing it like a madwoman every afternoon..and i'm not even 1/4 done..and to think that in another 2 weeks time my lecturer will be coming down to supervise and to even think that my health is having problem at this important time..hai..what can i say..like is soooooooooooo.............unpredictable...

anyway..finishing my course soon..happy..but starting another one soon...what the hell..but well..faster finish is off..

new year coming..gonna dye my hair...and do something else to my hair..its going haywire already..obviously..buy new clothes..enjoy...collect red packets..what else?? basically that's all i think..


memories of life starts here, 8:50 PM.
Saturday, January 13, 2007

my little newborn baby cousin came my house yesterday..and i can only say that he is really really adorable..his every move and smile just makes everyone in the room so excited and happy..and this even proves my point more..that babies are the closest things to an angle..agree?yup...

i'm finally starting my practicum..which is next monday..i'm really scared..even though this is the second time i'm doing it..but everything just feels like the first..hopefully i can do well this time..yup..hopefully..why do i say that..its because..i'm not taking the 5 or 6 years old..but the 3 years old..at first look..u will think that "O...they look so cute..." ya..playing with them is fun..but when it comes to actually conducting a lesson with them..it's torture..firstly..they can't sit still..secondly..they have really short attention span..and lastly..they keep playing with me..thinking that i just came to their class to play with them..there's a reason for this..but i'm lazy to type it down..

i dunno what i'm thinking lately..my mind is in a mess..there's so many things i wanna do..but so little time to accomplish it..and the things i want to do..are so..not in order..i mean..there should be an order to the things i want to do..so i can do it step by step and accomplish them one at a time..but..now..everything is so confusing..i thought that by having a organizer..i will be much more organized..but that's just the very naive thinking of me..damm..what should i do next?? am i expecting too much from myself??mm................................................

memories of life starts here, 1:48 PM.
Sunday, January 07, 2007

nothing much to update recently...enjoyed my music lessons..but was told by the teacher that to start preparing a song that we like and sing it to him next lesson..that just makes my nerve-recks..

my parents..sure the usual mushy-mushy..cant take it any longer..it just makes all my hair stands..disgusting..

me..still the usual..work and slack..work and slack..school starting again tomorrow..great..so that means i will only be home at 10pm..on monday and thursday..i cant wait to get my last module over and done with..after that..its bye bye mmi..and hello?? to a new institute?? maybe..but hello to a new course too..the first week of 2007 have past..and im starting to feel that this year..is gonna be a boring year for me..hopefully it will not be..(praying hard hard hard......)

memories of life starts here, 9:36 PM.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

alright...i'm complained by my one and only sister as --boring..what the hell..it's not like i want to be that way right..but every since i started my job as a preschool teacher..that's what i've become..the one and only thing that can get me stressed up and frustrated, getting all serious and worked up on..and the one and only thing that can get me flying up to the sky.. its crazy how a simple job as a teacher can get me feeling all that..well..what can i say?? my little sis..all u can do is to bear with it..like i've always been tolerating ur stuck up attitude..oops..

alright..first post in 2007..nothing exciting..nothing much..just living through the days like i've always did..work,work,work...stress stress stress..sometimes i love it, sometimes i loathe it..weird..

i've been reading a book titled "The Truth About Forever" recently.. its about the this girl who just lost his father, unable to accept the the fact of her father's death, she started to lock herself in her own world, accepting all unreasonable request made by her mother and starts to doubt the word 'forever'..until she met this group of people by chance that changes her life and her belief that 'forever' does not exists..when she finally starts to open her heart to accepting her father's death and a new romance, her mother's interference pushed her back to square one..
well..in the end its a happy ending and all..but this book really made me think...are there really such things as forever? a friendship forever? a relationship that is forever? a passion, ambitions and a goal forever?? i do believe that kinship can be forever, cause of the old saying "blood is thicker than water." but what about the rest?

well..maybe i can only know the answer when i'm a 40 or 50 years old woman..who knows..

memories of life starts here, 9:22 PM.


▪ new room
▪ driving license
▪ study abroad
▪ new laptop
▪ car
▪ the one for me :)