
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

i really cannot stand the way some people are..irresponsible, arrogant, think highly of themselves when they are actually not good enough..really really hate it..i don't understand how they can live their lives so happily when they are making people around them so miserable..causing a great deal of trouble for others and because of their bad behaviour, influence others to have the same impression of the people who are close to them..really IRRITATING!!

i wanted to prove to others who think that im not good enough that i'm worth it, that im actually much much better than u can even imagine..i tried my best, pushed myself to the limits, sacrificing my social life, love life and my own personal life..but..just because of u, because of ur attitude and behaviour, all the hard work i've put in have gone down the drain..the moment people hear ur name, my name is linked right next to u..and my reputation is being flushed down the toilet bowl just because of u..i HATE you!! hate the way u are..hate the way u always take things given to u for granted, hate the way u take ME for granted..hate the way u used me and making me a fool of everyone by using my trust in u..

im so disappointed with the people i know lately..but it just made me realise that, no matter how many fights, disagreements, disputes, conflicts, frictions we have among each other, my family will and always be there for me..without any motives, without asking for any pay backs..they do all this is because of one thing..LOVE!! because they love me..because they love me, they trust me..because they trust me, that's why they are willingly to do anything for me unconditionally..

that's how my life is..that's the type of family members i have that i will live forever..that's my destiny..so don't blame it on anyone for having unhappiness in ur family, friendship or relationship..because this are all destined..but u can make a change..if u want to..blaming is nv the solutions..blaming will nv make u happy..

memories of life starts here, 8:38 PM.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

i've decided not to trust or rely in u anymore..i thought u were different from the others,but it turned out that u're nothing but just like them..all the promises u made are bullshit..i will never trust in u anymore..to think that i almost fell in love with u, how silly i am, how naive i am..all ur nice, touching, heart-felt words and actions are all BULLSHIT!! and i meant bullshit..im glad i never let myself fell into ur trap..im glad that i pulled myself out before its all too late..im glad that i've come to realise and see things clearer before i got tricked and bluffed by ur innocent looks and sweet talks..i HATE you..HATE you to the CORE!! u're such an asshole..really my worst of luck knowing u..

memories of life starts here, 10:17 PM.
Saturday, September 16, 2006

alright..think its been a really long time since i've blogged..and people is complaining..(u know who u are, no need me to say la..but if u wan to own up i also don't mind.haha.) okie..well..for those who often drop in to my blog, i have to say sorry..because to me, blogging is not a daily journal, its a place where i share my feelings with those who care..but..its seems that my feeling is a little draggy this days, that's why i cant post any new stuff up..but well..here goes:

had what i considered a really big misunderstanding and quarrel with my one and only twin..cause of the quarrel??i don't really know..because we thought we both understand each other?and that whatever we did is for the sake of each other?i know that i've hurt u badly, and im hurt too..by my own words and actions..like u said,out of a sudden we are like strangers..maybe time will heal everything, and maybe time will just make it worse..but like what we both promised each other, we will always be friends,we will always be there for each other 24/7 right? yup..i guess so..

things happen before we can even anticipate,take prevention or be mentally prepared. but maybe this is what life is all about.always giving us surprises and challenges, always putting us in difficult situation.making life difficult for us..but maybe its because of all this, that we learnt from our experience and mistakes, learn to be stronger and learn to face our problem.
i always use to say that i have never regretted doing anything for this past 18 years, but for once, i am..i regret..i do not regret saying those hurtful stuff to u, but i regret saying it in a hurtful manner..

maybe using busy and lazy to not blog is an excuse, maybe the real excuse is, i know that once i'm posting a new post, i would surely put it all those stuff that happened to us, and i would let u know how i really feel..i'm always saying that u never face up to ur problem, always avoiding it..maybe im no different to u..

**to my twin, sorry for my stupid and immature attitude recently, it might still continue, i don't know.but one thing is, i've been thinking alot recently, thinking about how should i treat u in the future..continue the same way or treating u in a different way (but of course for the better)..i have not made a decision yet and i hope that for now, at least, u can think for me..give me some time..u know im not very good at this.

**to raymond, somehow i have to thanked u for chatting with me online today, because of u, i've finally blogged.haha.well, being busy now for me is working hard for not only me, but my family's future.even though i really feel that im starting to lose contact with lots of my friends..but, if that really happens, guess there's nothing much i can do too..well..anyway, nice seeing u and kl the other day..but DON'T come down to my work place anymore. :)

memories of life starts here, 10:46 PM.
Monday, September 04, 2006

came back to singapore last night..and went for work early this morning..dead tired..but fun!!

went for work as usual in the morning, den around 530pm, went back home to take a bath den wenr back to the centre again to work..from 630 to 7pm..haha..funny right??but well, cuz got teacher's day dinner..so my mom and i decided to stay till closing time so that the rest of the teachers can go back and take a shower first before going for the dinner.so, after the closing time, my dad drove us to Toh Payoh's Sakura for Teacher's Day celebration..had a quick..and i mean really quick dinner and den went to Kbox (which is right next to sakura) for the after dinner celebration. end up not all teacher's went.only my,amelia,sharon,du juan,yang li, feng hong ling,my sister,puypuy,mdm tan and alice went. had really lots and lots of fun, was really high..and i just went totally crazy..haha..i was singing and dancing at the same time, even i know that people are walking past our room and looking in to see that there's a crazy woman dancing like nobody's business..haha..but i totally enjoyed it..never had so much fun in my life,and have never been so high either..haha..well..after the crazy session, went back home around 1 plus in the morning..

woke up at 1230pm in the afternoon, slept for so long, think im really a pig..haha..well, waited for my twin to come my house and put her stuff, den went to tiong baruh together for lunch plus my sister.den sharon came and watch us eat..haha..okie, den brought my sister to buy lingerie..and the worst part for meeting sharon and gang( du juan) other than my twin is that me and my sister have to carry 4 bottles of soft drinks, plus what??er...raw meat?? and its so damm heavy..i was scolding vulgarities while walking home..damm it!!
anyway, after that, dad came and we went to east coast park for teacher's day bbq..haha..finally got the chance to see the guy that my twin is so crazy over..well..okie..he's okie..haha..well..after that my twin came over to my house and stayed over..packed my stuff and went to bed for the genting trip..

had a really bad night last night, couldn't sleep cuz 3 person squeezing in one bed (though its a queen size bed) and plus the rising body heat coming from 5 person at the same time..damm..its so HOT!!!! so i ended up sleeping in the living room for just 2 hours..woke up at 230am in the morning..took a bathe, prepare myself, ate breakfast and set off for GENTING!!
went to malaysia's custom and waited for my aunt and family, my dad's friend (3 family in total) so..that means there are 5 cars altogether..well..the start of the trip is my dad keep looking round for toilet to finish up his unfinished big business..haha..and after turning in to several petrol kiosk, my dad finally finished up his unfinished big business.haha..and he looks so satisfied with it..haha..my daddy is so cute..
well..took about 3 bours plus till we finally got up to genting..the moment i got down from the car, i knew there's something wrong with my back le..and yes indeed..i think i've injured my back..but,being the strong-headed,stubborn kelly..i forced myself to go and play the outdoor and indoor theme park..sat the flying coaster and other rides which caused greater discomfort to my back..and finally, i could not take it any longer..i surrender and went back to rest..and its den i realise that i'm actually having fever and flu..so conclusion: IM SICK!! WELL..well..den my twin and my sister went to play bowling and watch midnight movie with my dad's friend de son..so..its 3 guys and 2 gurls..den because my cousin also not feeling well..so i accompanied her and we both satyed in the hotel room doing our hair, putting body lotion and having the most amazing girl talk..haha..well..den we both went to bed around 11 plus..

had macdonalds for breakfast..and said bye bye to genting at 1 plus..and hello to malacca..haha..ate the chicken rice which are in balls for lunch..of course plus chicken..haha..den went for deserts..which i dunno what is it...den its SHOPPING TIME!!! haha..shop down the whole street where there are stalls along the streets..that kind of shopping is also not bad..bought some stuff for the chinese teacher's in our centre..and some stuff for ourself..den...went came back to singapore le..

was dead tired for work this morning..couldn't wake up..but stil drag myself to work..and im still having my flu and fever and now..plus cough..hai..but well..went off work at 530pm..an hour earlier den my usual time..went to see doctor and had medicine..but haven eat yet..anyway..that's about it..

memories of life starts here, 7:12 PM.


▪ new room
▪ driving license
▪ study abroad
▪ new laptop
▪ car
▪ the one for me :)