
Sunday, August 27, 2006

finished my second degree lesson..maybe its because i already know what to expect during the lesson..i kind of get used to it already..not feeling that tired as compared to the first time..anyway..been coughing like a mad woman since i got home, think im falling sick..but better don't..cuz this coming friday i will be going to genting!!yeah!!and its with my twin..!!!!HOORAY! hahaha..i'm just so happy..but the thought of my younger cousin coming to stay over on thursday and friday night just really disappoint me BIG time!! its not that i don't like him or what, but..well..i just dont like.

anyway..i'm soooooooo tired..sometimes i ask myself, why is my life so tiring??who did this to me..and i finally got the answer. me!i bring this upon myself..no one but me! sad..but true..what to do??so..guess all i can do i just to accept the fact ba..

o well..spending all my time at work and studies..i realise that i really have no life left for myself..sometimes i really just want to hang out with friends on a saturday..or even still..bring my dad for movies (my favourite past-time =) )..but i just cant seem to have that energy to do any of that stuff..after 5 days being tortured by kids and the amount of workload i have, i just want to have a good rest at home.
i can still remember myself bring a secondary school student, all chatty and energetic..but now..being in the teaching line, having to talk so much during work time and during presentations at school..i find myself getting quieter and quieter when i'm not doing any of those 2..don't really like to talk to people or even mingle with them because its really tiring to just open my mouth and talk when i have been talking ALOT!! and i mean ALOT!! for the past 5 days. think im going to a anti-social freak soon...but lucky i still have my family and my twin by my side..!!

memories of life starts here, 9:37 PM.
Sunday, August 13, 2006

finally i have the time to post..i know im not being a consistent or faithful blogger or whatever..but well..finally started my degree course..what can i say..attend lessons till my whole face go pale, body go stiff and brain go numb..the course itself is tough of course (duh, its degree!!), but the tedious thing are the lesson hours. Friday: 6pm-10pm, Saturday & Sunday: 9am-6pm. and guess what, i still have lessons on mondays and thurdays from 6pm-10pm every week..so for this week its like for consecutive 5 days im attending lessons and not to mention work from mon-fri from 930am-530pm. Phew..its luck that i even survived thru..

what else..mm..i'm seriously tired, that's for sure..o ya..finally pack my worse than a dog's home room..and maybe this coming weekend, after having plenty of rest i can go shop for a new sofa-bed..ha ha ha..i need to go shopping and spend all my hard-earned money to de-stress..i sound like a spoilt brat right..ya..but i'm not ya..okie..so now i'm starting to crap..so i think i better stop here..

*to my twin, i know you are tired and all, and u might find that i'm being kind of mean to you lately..this is because I"M ALSO TIRED!! though u have an extra job and all..but well, just want to let you know thati will always be here for you and love you always no matter how mean i am..hahahahaha..well..u are no where better la..oops*

*to my little sister at home, don't every day face the computer, or else for my birthday wish list next year, i might really consider adding in "change a new sister". so.. watch out ya..

*to all my friends out there who will drop by my blog once in a while, i want to say thank you as this shows that u do care about a friend like me (i sound so thick skin ar), and sorry for not blogging for such a long time. kelly me busy person mah..but will try to make myself more hardworking in blogger from....tomorrow onwards..try ar..no promises..heh..and tag more more please..whenever u drop byto visit!! thanks!!

#thoughts for the day: things don't always turn out the way we want or planned. even this makes us feel disappointed, as an early childhood educator, i'm here to tell ya all..what matters most is the process and not the product..as long as you have given and tried your best, you are already a winner!! whatever it is..always believe in yourself..no one is superior than another as each and everyone of us is "unique" and "special". never give up and you'll reach your own paradise.. smile always :)

memories of life starts here, 9:56 PM.


▪ new room
▪ driving license
▪ study abroad
▪ new laptop
▪ car
▪ the one for me :)