
Monday, May 29, 2006

life is really..weird..if its meant to happen to u, it will..no matter how much precaution u've taken..my dearest sister..went to a forest or jungle in malaysia for a st john camp..and guess what happened??she got bitten by a snake and was sent to NUH on saturday night. got a shock when i received the call from her teacher.my mom and dad rushed down to the hospital immediately.i went down on sunday morning..and the first word that came to my head when i saw her feet was "pig leg". its so swollen and black..i kept making fun of her..and i didnt feel bad about it..believe me..such a rare opportunity to be able to laugh at her and not get beaten up..cuz she cant walk..haha..okie..im bad..stayed over night at the hospital to look after her..and i can only say one thing..its really really tiring..even though there's extra bed provided, i still cant sleep..partly because im worried about my sister and the other part is...its really not comfortable..i miss my bed..haha..but well..she's discharged now but her feet is still swollen..

well...did some thinking recently..made plans and goals..decided on some..and will achieve it..hopefully in the shortest time.

*twin..about the guy i told u today during class..heh..i will tell u when im sure of it..don't worry..i wun keep things from u de..i just want to make sure on my own first.okie.thanks for being so understanding. =)

memories of life starts here, 10:45 PM.
Sunday, May 21, 2006

went for the BIG WALK this morning.i only have one word for that. "OMG!!!"why do i say omg?because firstly, im a human made of ice, which means that the sun is so so so so so hot that i think i can melt right on the spot.and secondly, im not much of a walker girl. this is even more tiring den doing my shopping. but well, its with my family, and my mom so nan de got this sudden interest in going for a walk, at least do some exercise. so, its okie. i had fun, but dead tired. saw many people i know at the event, the most shocking of all is seeing a friends from last year's ndp.haha.couldnt believe my eyes when i saw him, i still thought that im still not awake.

we walked from kallang to suntec city, went to eat at burger king den went to hagaan daz to see my twin working.heh..we ate ice-creams and..dunno...look at her work? haha..anyway..by the time i reach home, i felt like a jelly.the first thing i did was to lie on the sofa and sleep.from 11 plus to 3.

conclusion of the day, im not going to do this again next year,unless im crazy.yeah!!

memories of life starts here, 4:03 PM.
Friday, May 19, 2006

finally..the end of the week le..life had been so hectic for this past week. skipped class and went to celebrate my twin amelia's birthday, bought her a book and a pair of earrings. and on wed, my parents went to malaysia, and our supervisor is on leave. left me alone to take care of 2 classes, answering phone calls, attending to parents and those who came to register and what else?? o ya..managing sudden problems such as injury of children. damm..made me feel so giddy for the whole day. it just felt like im going to faint anytime.haha.but lucky its all over now..haha..

getting away from books for a few weeks, if not im gonna be said by other people as bookworm le.so..now change to watching vcd.haha...well well..end here..

*twin..dun so stress le...life is not wasy in the first place..take it easy ya??love ya!!

memories of life starts here, 9:12 PM.
Saturday, May 13, 2006

went to meet steph today for lunch,did a little shopping and went back early. talk to steph about alot of stuff.some updates of myself which isn't much. but still, i had a great time. but the surprise of surprise was, i think we both saw MR DARREN CHONG at sakae sushi, where we had our lunch. and worse still, he and his group of friends are just sitting righ next to us. well, me and steph didn't dare to go up to him,so we just pretend that we didnt saw him, though he totally saw us. but well..haha..what a coincidence. dunno whether is good or bad.
well, wasn't feeling well this whole day.feeling very very lethargic. and my cough is getting from bad to worse. think i should go and see a doc ba. well well..

i really want to say i'm sorry that i couldn't make it to ur party today. i read ur blog, and im really sorry. and im hurt too, i didnt know that u actually thought of me like that.but all i wanna say is im sorry. maybe i've been pretty insensitive to ur feelings lately, but i just wan to say that i really dun mean it. i have some problems of my own too, i want to share it with u, but i just dunno how, and i dun want to add on to ur burden. i really hope that u can understand. im really not fit to be ur twin. i should be the one who understands u the most, care for u the most and be very aware of how u're feeling.but i didnt do any of that. im sorry!!

memories of life starts here, 9:56 PM.
Friday, May 12, 2006

this few days im in depressed mode.damm.dun have any energy in anything i do and its really starting to irritate me. well well..hopes that this feeling will go away fast..

went to the science centre today with my twin amelia and sweety girl clanna. we agreed to meet at jurong east mrt station at 10.30. and well, i didnt expect myself to reach 15 mins earlier. but..that 2..is late..and i waited for a full 25 mins..and that's still not the worse, the weather this few days is so hot..and while standing there under shades, i feel like im totally cooked by the time that 2 girls arrived. i totally think i can eat myself on th spot if im really starving.

well..we went there for breakfast first at macdonalds, den went in to start exploring.haha.its been 6 years since i went to science centre.and i just felt so excited.haha..i totally just threw amelia and clanna aside and just went exploring every single thing that i can see.haha.and all that 2 girls did other than looking around, was taking pictures. lots and lots of pictures. haha.

left around 2pm and took a cab down to suntec.cause my twin have to work and well, see someone. haha..well, girl, i really have to say, though u didnt have the chance to look at him for a long time today, but at least u still managed to see him right? and i totally totally agree with u. he is really really really very very very cute. especially his smile. haha.really can melt a girl's heart. but dun worry, ur twin me, have a heart of stone.so it wun melt. okie??heh..

*to clanna and amelia*
i really enjoyed my day today. had lots and lots of fun. because its the 2 of u that went with me.hahaha.. hurry up plan our next outing okie!! i cant wait for out next outing!! and amelia twin, remember the photos hor.thank you. i love u two. muacks.

memories of life starts here, 9:13 PM.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006

this past week for me is just like..blur..and fast..cant really remember clearly what happened..only know that on friday..my dear twin came over to stay over at my house.and i must say..sorry twin..think i scared u first thing in the morning with my bombastic hair..hahahaha..but i know u wun mind.then on saturday..we went to hagaan daz..and see someone..heh..twin..u owe me one..den went to eat swensen and watched movie..had fun but not totally crazy..hmmm..well..make it up another time..

went to science centre on monday..for a seminar..or more of a movie treat..haha..well..the thing is..the science centre today is so so so much different from what i use to remember.its looks much fun and..cool...no longer the kind of place that i think only geeky type of people will go..well..im going down there with amelia and clanna this friday..kind of excited actually..haha..

well..work is still a blur for me..but kinda getting clear le..hmmm..maybe i should really put all my heart in it..maybe.really.

memories of life starts here, 10:00 PM.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

been quite some time since i last updated..alot have happened..my first maid-less week had passed..well..quite smoothly actually..well..saturaday was supposed to go "peng" amelia my dear twin de "chang"..haha..sorry ar..last min not feeling well..u know de la..haha..and what did i do on sunday??er..went to the library in the morning..den went shopping for groceries at ntuc with my dad..on the way back to the car..saw this whole group of foreign workers who works on those construction sites..and they were like all rushing up to a bus..and its like..whoo...scary..its like u only see those scene on tv..well..me and my dad sort of rush off..haha..
and yesterday..which is monday..my twin fly me aeroplane..say want to come my house de..den last minute go work..IM ANGRY!!!!!always like that de..humph..im not happy okie..bear that in mind.
anyway..today changed shift with another teacher..so..got to work in the afternoon..which earn me a hour plus more to sleep in the morning.need not wake up so early as usual.den..slack around a home until now..den decided to blog..and..now think its time to stop..i have no idea what i'm talking about..think im going to crack.soon....

memories of life starts here, 11:38 AM.


▪ new room
▪ driving license
▪ study abroad
▪ new laptop
▪ car
▪ the one for me :)